Employee Long Term Care
How Likely Will One Need Long-Term Care?
With 70 percent of people needing long-term care services at some point after turning age 65,1 there is a good chance you will need to make a long-term care plan.
How Long Will Long-Term Care Be Needed?
The average length of long-term care services needed is 3.7 years for women and 2.2 years for men. 20% of people who will need long-term care need it for more than 5 years.*
How Much Does Long-Term Care Cost?
Long-term care costs vary depending on the type of care needed. For example, in 2010, one year of care and services at an adult day health care center, cost an average of $24,455. The average cost for one year of care in a nursing home was more than $83,580 for a private room.
The Average Cost of Long-Term Care in Hawaii in 2010:
• $331/day or $9,930/month for a semi-private room in a nursing home
• $364/day or $10,920/month for a private room in a nursing home
• $4,223/month for care in an assisted living facility (one-bedroom unit)
• $22/hour for a home health aide
• $21/hour for homemaker services
• $62/day for services in an adult day health care center
Contact us at 531-6211
or at psh@pshinsurance.com for a free quote today!
*U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Clearinghouse for Long Term Care information website